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About us

Personal training for everyone

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We would like to introduce ourselves

At ME Training Sport & Nutrition, we strive for a healthy life. Both in terms of sports, lifestyle and nutrition. We mainly focus on providing high-quality training in the gym, at home or outdoors. We also focus on a healthy lifestyle that includes the right nutrition. Do you have a goal you need help with? Because your goal is our motivation!


As owner and personal trainer of ME, I have been training, coaching and mentoring athletes for over 5 years. For me, no challenge is too big, and I have a natural desire to help and improve people’s quality of life. Enthusiasm, passion and fun but definitely tough training sessions is what you can expect from me!
I combine this with my career as a professional referee at the KNVB. Every week, I lead matches at the highest and second highest level in the Netherlands. My top sports mentality has brought me to where I am today, and I hope to pass this on to you too!

Areas of expertise:
Strength training / bodyshaping
Fitness training
Injury prevention + rehabilitation training
Corporate training and coaching


Meanwhile, I have been working at ME for almost 2 years. And I still enjoy it every day. It makes me enormously happy to be able to help people, both mentally and physically. I often see clients coming in with insecurities because their goals just won’t work out. This causes mental and physical complaints in many of them.
Through proper training combined with lifestyle coaching, I can help them achieve their goals! The result: Feeling good in your own skin, feeling proud and confident in life. This is where I have completely found my passion!

Areas of expertise:
Strength training
Technique training
Group training both outdoors and indoors
building muscle mass / lowering fat percentage


I have been working as a personal trainer for over 2 years. With my no-nonsense mindset on sports & nutrition, I have helped almost 100 different clients to a better version of themselves.
I will help you learn a new lifestyle with both doing strength training, adjusting your diet and increasing your activity level. This way, you can enjoy the new you for the rest of your life, who has a; – healthier lifestyle, a physically stronger and more attractive body and is mentally both physically better in his/her skin!

Areas of expertise:
Strength training / bodyshaping
Breaking barriers
Physical as well as mental transformations
Building muscle mass & lowering fat percentage


Physical development has been my passion for 8 years. It gives me strength and energy to engage in consistent training and healthy eating every week. I have been helping athletes for a long time with a good balance between enjoying life but also achieving physical results.
With your body and health, you have to do with your whole life. Therefore, invest in yourself and prevent future complaints. Prevention is better than cure! I teach you effective technique training along with the right tips and tricks on nutrition and how to apply this to your daily lifestyle. With the right tips, tricks and adjustments within your usual lifestyle, you too are going to get the right results!

Areas of expertise:
Strength training
Improving lifestyle
Guidance & coaching
Learning a healthy diet


At a young age, I was very active and saw my entire living environment as a challenge. From playing football with my friends to climbing trees (and occasionally falling out of them). Everything was a mission to exercise. I continued that mission to become a personal trainer. To improve my clients’ quality of life and enable them to remain self-reliant in everyday life.
Also, life should be fun! A party here, a drink there should all be possible provided everything is well coordinated. That way, you can keep up your training and nutrition schedules to take another step forward in your own process every time.

Strength training & bodybuilding
Training and coaching for the over-55s
Bootcamp, Small Group & corporate training

Kim Meeuwissen

De 1e stap om personal training aan te gaan vond ik toch wel spannend maar zou het nu echt niet meer willen missen!

Channou Gras

Ik heb al mijn vooraf opgestelde doelen ruimschoots behaald en het is de beste beslissing die ik dit jaar gemaakt heb.

Bart Vogels

De eerste 3 maanden ben ik iedere week 2 keer gaan sporten, bij mooi weer buiten en bij wat minder weer binnen. Dit resulteerde in -12kg!

Ties Meeuwissen

Een mooi resultaat behaald; 7,5 kilo afgevallen in 3 maanden tijd dankzij Michael!

Renate Janssens

Met Michael die 2 keer per week thuis kwam trainen en zijn natuurlijke enthousiasme is het mij gelukt om in 12 weken 12 kilo af te vallen.

Jamie Lalihuta

Professionele personal training, goede begeleiding maar bovenal getraind met heel veel plezier.

Marly Gruyters

Het sporten was iedere week bij mij thuis, met 2 jonge kids erg fijn te combineren met het gezinsleven.

Patricia Cichy

Top coaching gehad! Zeker aan te raden als je het lastig vind om je doelen te bereiken!

Janneke van Bergen

Door de hulp van ME-Training ben ik inmiddels al 15kg afgevallen en ik weet dan ook zeker dat ik nog lang geen afscheid zal nemen!

Davy Vaessen

Heb hier een traject doorlopen van een half jaar en een mega transformatie ondergaan.

Merle den Ouden

Dankzij alle enthousiasme en afwisseling ga ik iedere keer met veel plezier sporten en zou ik iedereen aanraden om hier te gaan trainen!

Esther & Hans Nagtegaal – Princen

Een uurtje ontspannen en bezig zijn met lekkere muziek, dikke aanrader!

Hannah van Gestel

Ik heb nu ongeveer 10 maanden gesport onder begeleiding van Michael. Hij is een ontzettend fijne trainer die je pusht maar ook ziet wanneer dit moeilijk gaat.

Jeroen van der Waay

Afgelopen drie maanden heb ik begeleiding op afstand gehad. Al met al erg tevreden over het contact en de daadwerkelijke progressie!

Luuk Priem

Voor de mensen die twijfelen en nu mijn review lezen, ik zou zeggen ga beginnen bij ME Training!

What can you expect from us?

Personalised approach

We offer complete lifestyle improvement through personal coaching in sport and nutrition.

Target group & atmosphere

Personal training for everyone in our attractive private studio in Oirschot.

Expertise & experience

Certified trainers with extensive knowledge in fitness and nutrition, continuously developing for optimal guidance.